Cupcakes for breakfast.

Tuesday, February 9.
The End. The Beginning. ♥

Three weeks ago, my world stopped turning...

And I never even saw it coming. I was, for all intents and purposes, kicked out of my own life. I got word of the impending doom merely hours before I was tossed, thrown, and otherwise violently and forcibly removed. It was the worst feeling I have ever experienced in my whole life. In a matter of 24 hours I had packed up all my belongings in my car and was leaving my adoptive state of North Carolina, headed for Texas. I left my best friend and roommate standing on the curb in front of my former home, crying. I left a boy that I think I maybe could've loved if I had had more time. I left dozens of friends who were really more like family to me than anything else. My job, my school, my church. My home. This place had really become my home in all the ways that count. All of it was about to be left drifting away in the soft, red glow of my taillights. There in the dark, I felt a part of my heart leap out onto the curb with this new family I had formed. I knew that is where it would stay. Then, at 3 am., as I headed towards I-85, I watched the most important people in my life shrinking in my rear-view mirror...and I cried. I cried like I have never cried in my whole life.

The next 1000+ miles of interstate that took me closer to my childhood home felt more to me like a road I had never traveled, one that was leading me into a strange, unknown land. I have never felt more lost. Ever. What was I going to do? Where should I go from here? How would I survive this? I was distraught. I felt displaced and shaken from this sudden upheaval. What's next?

I was at a rest stop in Mississippi and I was tired in just about every way a person could be tired. That's when I decided; this will not be the end of me. And in that moment, I knew it was true.

I knew the world would turn again..
Signing off,01:43